Despite the hardships and health risks, millions of essential frontline workers continue to do their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic.


There are thousands of Canadians keeping us fed, picking up our trash, providing us with life-saving medicine, stocking our shelves, cleaning their hospitals and helping those who are most vulnerable—often while earning low wages and few benefits.


For our hero this month we would like to focus on a particular nurse who is currently employed at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto, Ontario. Shannon Nixon is one of the many front line heroes that are helping us stay safe during these hard times. 


On a regular basis the within the doors of the Princess Margret Cancer Centre there is lifesaving scientific research that goes on in order to help conquer cancer as well as, being a teaching hospital, they are helping mould the new doctors and nurses for tomorrow. But with the pandemic hitting they are trying to battle two very serious high death toll diseases at once. 


Because of the work that Shannon and many other nurse practitioners are doing, we are able to continue living our lives safely and (almost) as normal as possible. AC Waste is proud to help sponsor our friend Shannon and her journey as she participates in the Ride to Conquer Cancer. 


During this time of the coronavirus pandemic, many of us are looking for ways to say thank you to a nurse, doctor, or other healthcare providers. Now, more than ever, it’s important for us to support our healthcare workers and other essential workers however we can.


There is always the opportunity for us to show our appreciation with face-to-face (with masks of course) communication, personal notes, donations, custom artwork or even a simple phone call/text. These little things will go along way in helping keep morale high for our healthcare workers who are working 12-13 hour or more shifts. 


From all of us at AC Waste thank you very much for your tireless work, it is not going unnoticed.

About The Author

Nic Ahola is the Director of Operations for AC Waste Services over the past 10+ years. With multiple years of experience in the industry Nic’s wealth of knowledge to discuss key industry topics is never-ending.

He works directly with businesses to implement waste management systems that are convenient to a business’s operations while reducing the unnecessary costs and common problems associated with waste.

Connect with AC Waste and Nic on Linkedin.