Lockdown and the Coronavirus pandemic has affected everyone’s lives in a variety of different ways, and business owners have been hit especially hard during this period. With many struggling, but eagerly trying to make the best of a bad situation, AC Waste knows how important it is to support them and we are ready to help assist our clients in any way that we can. 

Due to COVID-19 social distancing and quarantine rules, many businesses were forced to close for an extended period of time. Even now, in stage three or in lockdown, businesses may continue to struggle as they navigate and adjust to the new norms. 

Less Waste, Less Problems 

AC Waste Services wants to let all our current and potential clients know that we are here to help your business stay clean and run as efficiently as possible. We want to decrease the number of waste collection headaches our customers may go through and not give them anymore, so whether it be an unsightly mess, haulage costs or labour loading we are here to ensure that your business is not facing a growing garbage problem. 

We do this by sharing the accountability with you to ensure your garbage is contained in an aesthetically appealing, easy-to-use container. Having your waste management monitored and consistently picked up will save you time and energy so that you can focus on your business.

Waste & Haulage Costs

We also know that money is tight right now which is why businesses who partner with AC Waste save thousands on waste costs as our compactors are created to hold high volumes of waste which decrease the amount of pick-ups required. 

We also do not require our customers to purchase a compactor if they cannot afford it. AC Waste offers many different rental options that are less expensive than buying and is flexible based on waste volume. Renting equipment has a huge tax advantage as well as it is considered an operating expense which is 100% deductible.


Businesses of all sizes may be facing drastic changes in the way they operate, and the business landscape is changing at a very fast pace. Ceasing operations has been a large challenge with very current, real and possibly permanent negative impacts. Maintaining brick-and-mortar retail spaces is expensive, especially if business owners are having issues paying their leases while there’s substantially less income coming in. We want to make sure that our clients feel heard and supported during these difficult times.

AC Waste is here for you, even in lockdown, so do not be afraid to call us today to chat about your waste needs and in return, we will ensure your business does not waste time and money on any waste-related issues.

About The Author

Nic Ahola is the Director of Operations for AC Waste Services over the past 10+ years. With multiple years of experience in the industry Nic’s wealth of knowledge to discuss key industry topics is never-ending.

He works directly with businesses to implement waste management systems that are convenient to a business’s operations while reducing the unnecessary costs and common problems associated with waste.

Connect with AC Waste and Nic on Linkedin.